Royal Brompton & Harefield Trust, Imperial College, London, UK
Professor Lüscher studied medicine at the University of Zurich and obtained board certification in internal medicine and cardiology in Switzerland.
He trained at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, USA in cardiovascular physiology and cardiology and was Pro- fessor of Pharmacotherapy and Director of Clinical Phar- macology at the University and University Hospitals Ba- sel, then Professor of Cardiology at the University of Berne and Vice-Chairman of Cardiology at the Inselspital Bern and then Professor and Chairman of Cardiology and Director of the University Heart Center at the University
Hospital Zurich, Switzerland untile 2017. He is now Chairman of the Center for Mole- cular Cardiology at the University of Zurich (see
Professor Lüscher has been mentor of numerous physicians and scientists from around the world with many holding chairs or directorships in Switzerland, Europe, Asia and North America today.
His research is translational in nature and focuses on endothelium-derived mediators, risk factors such as aging, hypertension, lipids and inflammatory pathways in athero- sclerosis, coronary artery disease, acute coronary syndromes and heart failure. He is among the 0.5% most cited scientists worldwide with a h-index of 143.
He is an editor of the ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine (Oxford University Press) and the Module Innere Medizin (Springer Verlag, Heidelberg) and is about to publish the Manual of Cardiovascular Medicine (Oxford University Press). He was editor-in-chief of the European Heart Journal 2009-2020 (IF 29.9) and continues to be involved as senior editor. He is founding editor of the official journal of the Swiss Society of Cardiology (Cardiovascular Medicine, EHM Verlag, Muttenz) is now secretary/treasurer of the European Society of Cardiology.